Instead, quantum mechanical ground state isosurfaces reveal variations in indole 蟺 electron distribution and density that parallel charge (as a function of pK1, pK2, and pKR) on the backbone and residues. A pattern of aromaticity-associated quantum yield and fluorescence lifetime changes emerges....
The TRPV subfamily (vanilloid receptors) comprises channels critically involved in nociception and thermosensing (TRPV1, TRPV2, TRPV3, and TRPV4), whereas TRPV5 and TRPV6 are involved in renal Ca(2+) absorption/reabsorption. Apart ... J.,Vriens,G.,... - 《Molecular Pharmacology》 被引量...
1 谷氨酸的pK1(α-COOH)=2.19,pK2 (α-NH+3 ) = 9.67,pKR(R基)= 4.25,谷氨酸的等电点为___.2 写出下列符号的中文名称:Tyr ___ ,Trp___,ATP___.3 蛋白质在紫外光___nm处有强的光吸收,核酸在紫外光___nm处有明显的光吸收.蛋白质的平均含氮量是___.4 由非糖物质生成葡萄糖或糖元的作用...
(TRPV1) is present in the kidney and acts as a renal sensor. However, the mechanism underlying IS-mediated renal tubular damage in view of TRPV1 is lacking. Here, we demonstrated that TRPV1 was expressed in tubular cells of Lilly Laboratories cell-porcine kidney 1 (LLC-PK1) and Madin...
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以前有过但是睡一夜就好了。现在是下午开始疼,十几分钟疼一下刺痛。 王冬青医生 与劳累或受凉或心情有关系 王冬青医生 休息一下看能否缓解 患者 嗯 王冬青医生 不行医院会诊一下 去向王冬青医生提问 提示:疾病因人而异,他人的咨询记录仅供参考,擅自治疗存在风险。
某公众人物公开发布在映电影屏摄照片且拒不承认错误的行为,引发全网对于“盗摄”的又一轮热议。回顾《今日影评》多年前的节目,观影生态仍待改善,影院普法仍有必要——#为何要拒绝盗摄#?以盈利为目的的盗录危害行业利益,而“无意为之”的盗摄,也可 ...展开全文c 小窗口 4111 4048 ñ76964...
In this study, we explored the effect of external Ca2+ on endogenous PC2 in wild type LLC-PK1 renal epithelial cells. We obtained whole cell currents at different external Ca2+ concentrations, and observed that the basal whole cell conductance in normal Ca2+(1.2 mM), decreased by 30.2% in...
We find that the change in free energy difference due to the protonation of the Asp amino acid is 3 kJ mol1at 297 K, favoring the charged state, and resulting in 螖pK1= 0.5 units for Asp9. We also study the differences in the unfolded state ensembles for the two charge states and ...