Snowfall Making Area Trout Stocking Difficultdoi:10.3147/jsfp.31.33experimental infectionalevinesbacteriosesmicrobiological analysiscontrole de maladiesfish larvaebacteriosiscontrol de enfermedadesjapananalisis microbiologicoIf the people who run the Winter Olympics are looking for a new event for the 2014 ...
As a fish biology major and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife employee for four years, I understand the complexities of stocking hatchery fish in bodies of water where wild populations exist. Triploidy solves much of this dilemma. You simply do not want a hatchery fish that attempts to sp...
We predicted that if fish were important in structuring cladoceran abundance and composition, we would document a decline in the abundance of large daphnids post-stocking in our two naturally fishless lakes, and little change in the two fish-bearing lakes. Instead, we documented increased ...
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Different strains of lake trout in Lake Ontario were not distinguished in our analyses. The Seneca strain of lake trout (from Seneca Lake, New York) has dominated lake trout stocking in Lake Ontario since 1997 (Brenden et al., 2011), and has been recommended to be the majority of stocked...
fish appeared to have a 30% annual survival rate and by 2017 biologist observed 435 trout per mile of stream habitat. Stocking in these streams continued for three years, followed by survey efforts to determine if the fish had established self-sustaining populations and sure enough in 2021, Gre...
1). To increase the water flow in the raceway system and to minimize water use, part of the water from the end of the raceway was pumped back to the inlet and reused. Prior to fish stocking, the salinity in the raceway was adjusted to around 21–25 ppt by balancing the flow of re...
I hope this courtesy continues as duck hunters move in and out of the area trying to find good locations. Don Archer waits for my lab Buddy to take a leak. Initially I was worried that too many hunters would pour into the area. So far that has not been the case. Most of the newly...
Stocking inland waters with non-native lineages of brown trout is currently the main threat to the original diversity of wild brown trout stocks in part of the Black Sea Basin in the Western Balkans [11]. The highest number of brown trout belonging to the non-native AT lineage was detected...
Different stocking densities were also observed in the different ponds (4–89 kg/m3). The flow measurements showed a flow dynamic slightly different than what was expected initially in terms of number of water passes. For example, a negative flow value was obtained between 21 and 22 ponds (...