Using a labour intensive fishing program, with traps and nets,Tasmania’s Inland Fisheries Service did the almost impossible and declared Lake Crescent free of carp in 2009, after a lone female carp was caught in December 2007 and further fishing showed that the eradication had been completed. I...
The natural range of Browntroutextends from the Arctic Ocean to North Africa and from Iceland to Pakistan. It has been widely introduced around the world and is now found on every continent except Antarctica. It has primarily been introduced for recreational fishing, but commercial fisheries are ...
Justin and Joshua are members of Trout Unlimited and were finally able to get to Tasmania this March to take up their prize. Although the weather was again quite nice and things looked good to begin with, the fishing was very sparse. Searching, searching … A picture of concentration … Sti...
Great Lake, central Tasmania, was first stocked with brown trout Salmo trutta in 1870 and with rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (formerly Salmo gairdnert) in 1910; both species established self-supporting populations. Angling statistics revealed a general decline in mean weight of both species from...
Jim & Kim had a lovely time in Tasmania and although the fishing was at times a bit tight, they did manage to snag a few nice wild browns on their trip. Jim’s feisty little brown gets him on the board too Jim & Kim ready for their adventure ...