Leaders are the final—and perhaps most crucial—step in a trout Spey setup. Unlike traditional fly rods where one leader suits most situations, trout Spey demands a selection of both floating and sinking polyleaders. Sinking leaders work for nymphs and streamers, with varying sink rates for dif...
However, if you like to create your own way, let’s cover the leader. I’m going to give you my favorite setup, but keep in mind you’ll need to consider the depth of the river you’re fishing, so you might need to adjust it. ...
Motor trolling is the method I use for most of my fishing, and I will explain one of my basic spring setups. If possible I would max out the number of rods, because more is better this time of year. I fish all my lines on planer boards. Find one you like and run all the same...
Tip:While I was staying at a private facility there are several resorts in North West Ontario that cater to Lake Trout ice fishing. The first couple years I fished Lakers thru the ice was at Brown’s Clearwater West Lodge. An excellent outfitter. North West Ontario isn’t short on Lake ...
The flats on Cat Island are an easy wade. The bottom is firm, clean sand with no coral. You can wade barefoot if you like but I never do. I’ve heard horror stories about rusty jagged metal hiding just under the sand. I fished an eight weight with a twelve foot leader and large ...
Most of my night shots are still quite poor, but I’m slowly figuring things out. When I plan to take photos fishing alone, I now have a mini-tripod setup next to me ready to go with a custom timer of about 5 seconds. To snap a photo, all I need to do is turn it on and pr...
Public access and fishing have never been allowed on the Reservation. Subsistence fishing is allowed for tribal members but is highly regulated79. Invasive salmonids have never been established in the lake or the creeks28,77. Egg take and hatchery supplementation of Lahontan cutthroat fingerlings der...
Description Up for auction is Leader LBO-514 Dual Trace Oscilloscope great condition cheap! This is stock from my buddy’s machine shop that he is closing down. I was told that it is in perfect working condition but I have no way to test it. No test leads are included. Look at picture...
F ind a wide range of Ixia Leader in IP Performance Testing equipment available to buy. Rent or lease. If you cannot find the Ixia test equipment that you need. Please contact us Smartech Consulting has Consultants available that work with IT departments. ... more Agilent/HP J4630A VQT ...