VALORANT will automatically detect the best settings for your PC when you first launch the game, but if you’re still having issues, changing some of these settings could prove helpful. Minimizing the video options will reduce the amount of effects on screen and could help you avoid crashing...
Also, have you looked if Windows stores any info about crashing? That could also help to know where the issue is, or isn't. It's not always slow when accessing HDD. Yes most of my games are on HDD only 1 game (valorant) is on ssd. It lags sometimes here and there but if I ...
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum and I'm here to ask for help to troubleshoot my PC. For over a month, when I'm playing games they keep crashing randomly to desktop, no error no warning and no stutter on the games, I thought this was only on Rocket L
right so my little cousin has his new system built and keep having issues of games keep crashing, im guessing it has something to do with the GPU as alot of the code comming back are GPU related. games like warzone and apex are crashing but games like csgo or valorant run perfecly fine...
I havent been playing other games recently but for all I know is this crashing only happens in valorant. After playing in a multiplayer lobby (it doesnt consistently crash in singleplayer lobbies) for about 5-10 minutes (it varies), my monitor will just suddenly go black but the fans of ...
Valorant(the only two games I play right now daily). Valorant crashes with the message "Graphics driver has crashed" and its a white screen just after the logo in ms flight sim. I've tried reinstalling the driver, setting the memory back to the default 2667Mhz setting but ...
I haven't had any other issues with other games crashing because I don't really own any other high-demanding games because I was never able to run them before. During this time I've also playing Valorant and everything seems fine with it(besides it crashing one time during the tutoria...
Hello, I've recently built my first pc but I've been having issues with frequent crashing after gaming for typically a few hours. After it crashes the first time any subsequent attempts at gaming causes another crash very quickly. I've been playing Valorant Genshin Impact and Osu recently....
I did try playing the games at the absolute minimum settings, but I still get an eventual crash. The only game I can consistently play is Valorant, but not sure how to connect the dots there as to why that game would work and the others wouldn't. Expand Re: the bit addressed to...
- Valorant - Gunfire Reborn - Path of Exile (Something that should be added is that it has only happened two or three times while playing PoE, which is probably 10x less than with the three games above). However, one thing I find interesting is that while playing Leage of Legends close...