Troubles de la deglutition du sujet age et pneumopathies en 14 questions/reponses. Rev Mal Respir. 2009;26(6):587-605.Puisieux et al. Troubles de la deglutition du sujet age et pneumopathies en 14 questions/reponses, Revue des maladies respiratoires, 2009, vol 26, n°6 : 587-607...
Robert D. Les troubles de la deglutition post-intubation et tracheoto- mie. Reanimation 2004;13(6/7). Dans ce numero.Robert D.-- Les troubles de la deglutition postintuba- tion et tracheotomie. Reanimation, 2004, 417-430.Robert D. Les troubles de la deglutition postintubation et ...
Deglutition disorders are frequent in elderly patients and can lead to serious consequences in terms of morbidity and mortality. Despite an easy screening test with the water, they are ignored or underestimated. Moreover, early detection and treatment focused essentially on the adaptation of textures...
DeglutitionNutritionNeurologieEvaluationSoinSwallowingSwallowing is a complex phenomenon, allowing per os feeding but with a protection of respiratory tract. Swallowing disorders are frequent, involve liquids, solids or theses two textures, and are mainly caused by neurological or otorhinolaryngological ...
Swallowing disorders in the elderly: key pointsDaniel LetonturierMédecine
Presencia estacional de excrementos de nutria ("Lutra lutra"L.), en cauces fluviales del Duero y Tajo (España Occidental), ArtículoThe present invention relates to a method of producing non-infections parvovirus capsids and to diagnostic assays and vaccines utilizing same. The invention...
Deglutition disorders can be caused by different diseases, including neurological, oesophageal, oto-rhino-laryngological etiologies or by iatrogenicity. Clinical presentation is often insidious and unspecific; therefore their prevalence is probably underestimated. In geriatric patients, consequences of ...
Screening will make discuss complementary examinations for the patient, then rehabilitation, and above all will make propose adaptive measures for the food and the hydration.doi:10.1007/3-540-46669-X_18C. CapetO. DelaunayF. IdrissiI. LandrinN. KadriNPG Neurologie - Psychiatrie - Gériatrie...