5. Increase Magnesium Intake An increase in magnesium intake has also proven to induce deep restorative sleep.Magnesium is a muscle relaxantthat encourages improved sleeping patterns. It reduces the symptoms of insomnia and sleep disorders. Magnesium helps in regulating the neurotransmitter...
How to help yourself relax before bed Having trouble sleeping lately? There are a great number of things that can keep a person up at night. Some causes of sleeplessness are beyond our control. 16.Mindful meditation(想)You may not be able to force your mind to quiet down, but a moment...
How to help yourself relax before bed Having trouble sleeping lately? There are a great number of things that can keep a person up at night.Some causes of sleeplessness arc beyond our control. (1). Mindful meditation (冥想) You may not be able to force your mind to quiet down,bul a ...
Luckily, technology has produced plenty of natural sleep remedies to help ease you into the land of nod. We went ahead and rounded up some of our favorite to get you started, but finding the right solution for your sleep problems is entirely up to you. Buy at Amazon— $189 Image used ...
在Apple Music 上收听群星的《Take Me to the Moon: 50 Instrumental Background for Deep Sleep, Cure for Insomnia, Natural Sleep Aid, Lullabies to Help You Relax, New Age Therapy for Trouble Sleeping》。2017年。50 首歌曲。时长:3 小时 7 分钟
Struggles & RemediesEver wonder why coming back from a relaxing vacation somehow feels so exhausting? It’s because you likely broke out of your regular sleep routine—you stayed awake late into the night, enjoyed sleeping in through the early morning hours. Now that it’s back to your regula...
在Apple Music 上收听Restful Sleep Music Consort的《Deep Sleep: 111 Tracks to Help You Sleep, Relaxing Music for Trouble Sleeping, Calming Sounds for Sleep Meditation, Rest & Relaxation》。2016年。111 首歌曲。时长:6 小时 45 分钟
你有過不明原因的胃痛或是脹氣、胸悶嗎? 突如其來的胃痛,痛起來簡直要人命,痛得讓人冷汗直流……😰 身受胃痛所苦的你,一定也想擺脫胃痛的困擾吧? 不過你知道嗎?事實上,胃痛和生活習慣也有很大的關聯,即使買胃 …
晚上偶爾跟三五好友相約去餐酒館、居酒屋喝酒聊是非來個深夜話題,下班後難免會跟公司內的主觀同事聚餐,一不下心就好幾杯黃湯下肚。尤其進入年末,公司尾牙會被勸酒的杯數可想而知…… 喝酒時雖然可以暫時忘卻煩惱、讓人飄飄欲仙,但一 …
Having trouble sleeping lately? There are a great number of things that can keep a person up at night. Some causes of sleeplessness are beyond our control. 1 . Mindful meditation (冥想) You may not be able to force your mind to quiet down, but a moment of mental silence just might ...