Ford Powertrain Fault Codes P1700 to P1999Chrysler DTCs:Chrysler Powertrain Fault Codes P1100 to P1399Chrysler Powertrain Fault Codes P1400 to P1899Controller Area Network (CAN) generic OBD codes Trouble Code Diagnostic Help:Click Here to go to Diagnostic Trouble Code Tips...
This is the “fine” description of the trouble code and for example, P0420 means there is an issue at Bank 1, while the code P0421 means the issue is at bank 2. While the engine codes are quite logical, it’s very difficult to remember all of these OBD codes. I’ve created a ...
2003 Chevy Venture Code p0101I have an 03 Chevrolet venture. I was driving on the highway and all of the sudden it would just die. I put it in neutral and was able to start right back up but died a short time later. When I got back home I checked the pending codes and it gave...
Description of vehicle trouble code P0128 - Coolant Thermostat (Coolant Temperature Below Thermostat Regulating Temperature)
A code P0171 or P0174 indicate the engine is runninglean. This means there is too much air and/or not enough fuel. You can confirm the engine is running lean by looking at Short Term Fuel Trim (STFT) and Long Term Fuel Trim (LTFT). Normally, STFT and LTFT should be plus or minu...
A code P0141 may mean that one or more of the following has happened:open or short to ground in the wiring harness O2 heater circuit wiring high resistance O2 heater element resistance is high Internal short or open in the heater element...
Random misfires that jump around from one cylinder to another (read: P030x codes) also will set a P0300 code. The underlying cause is often a lean fuel condition, which may be due to a vacuum leak in the intake manifold or unmetered air getting past the airflow sensor, or an EGR val...
A code P0133 may mean that one or more of the following has happened:The oxygen sensor is faulty The wiring to the sensor is broken / frayed There is an exhaust leakPossible SolutionsThe simplest thing to do is to reset the code and see if it comes back....
Essentially the same as P0136 and P0137 and P0131, a P0151 code refers to the first oxygen sensor on Bank 2 . P0151 means the O2 oxygen sensor's voltage remained low for longer than 2 minutes.This, is interpreted by the ECM as a low voltage condition and sets the MIL. Bank 2 ...