(seebiogeographic region). Smaller areas of tropical rainforest occur elsewhere in the tropics whereverclimateis suitable. The principal areas of tropical deciduous forest (ormonsoon forests) are in India, the Myanmar–Vietnam–southern coastalChinaregion, and easternBrazil, with smaller areas in ...
Interesting Tropical Rainforest Biome Facts: Rainforests are extremely important because the water they produce is evaporated and then used as rain in other areas. The average temperature of the tropical rainforest remains between 70 and 85° F. The tropical rainforest is very rainy as its nam...
There are four layers in tropical rainforest each is characterized by the plants that grow there and the animals that live there. These layers are the forest floor, understory, canopy, and emergent layer. See this sites Rainforest Layer Facts section for interesting information about each of the...
RAINFOREST FACTS Tropical forests presently cover about 1.84 billion hectares or about 12 percent of Earth's land surface (3.6% of Earth's surface). The world's largest rainforest is the Amazon rainforest Brazil has the largest extent of rainforest cover, including nearly two-thirds of the ...
Visiting the tropical rainforest is a very unique experience of the nature on this earth. The tropical rainforests encompass many different forests including the pine savanna, the dry forest, and the idyllic forest. They are not one environment, but rather a huge number of remarkable environments...
Rainforest plants facts reveal a fascinating biome. The tropical rainforest biome, found north and south of the equator, has high rainfall, warm temperatures and poor soil. Its four layers are the emergent, canopy, understory and shrub or herb layers. Tr
Tropical rainforest - Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Canopy: Tropical rainforests are distinguished not only by a remarkable richness of biota but also by the complexity of the interrelationships of all the plant and animal inhabitants that have been evolving
home to more than 40,000 plant species. The presence of a hot, humid climate enables these plant species to thrive. Some plant species grow pretty quickly; others acquire bigger leaves, while others develop excellent defenses against predators. Some of the most interesting rainforest plants ...
However, even in a rainforest there is competition for sunlight and nutrients; plants have to adapt to find their place in the ecosystem. In order to do this, some plants grow faster, some have bigger leaves, and others evolve better defences against predators. ...