A tropical rainforest is a luxuriant forest found in wet tropical uplands and lowlands near the Equator. Tropical rainforests are dominated by broad-leaved trees that form a dense upper canopy and contain a wide array of vegetation and other life. Worldw
The tropical rainforest is one of the world’s most threatened biomes, despite being home to some of the most diverse and unique species on the planet.
“Tropical Rain Forest” Suitcase Science Kit Binder Lesson 1 Folder • “Tropical Jungle” Music CD • “Rescuing the Rainforest: A KMOV-TV Ch. 4 Production” DVD • “Children’s Eternal Rainforest” CD • “Children’s Eternal Rainforest” CD Script Lesson 2 Folder • 47 ...
We further argue that the Congo rainforest should also be considered a tipping element. Because our results indicate that forest cover in the Congo is bistable, but that global climate change may enhance forest resilience, we suggest that deforestation has a potentially larger effect on its ...
These data are from four sources: 299 plots from the African Tropical Rainforest Observatory Network1,63 (AfriTRON: www.afritron.org, accessed 1 March 2020), curated at http://www.ForestPlots.net64; 127 plots from the Central African Plot Network (https://central-african-plot-network....
1500–3000 m Upper montane rain forest 3000 m to treeline Subalpine forest Lowland (mostly) Podzolized sands Heath forest Limestone Limestone forest Ultrabasic rock Forest on ultrabasic rock Coastal Sand Beach vegetation Near surface Saltwater Mangrove forest Brackish water Brackish water forest Fresh ...
Earth’s Biomes Chapter 23 Section 4. Tropical Grasslands (Savannas) Climate Zones Please Follow Along on Your Ipad. Tropical Climates Tropical Rain Forest Year-round rainfall Lush vegetation Millions of species. April 8, Climates of the World Pgs IN: What are the three maj...
(tropic* OR subtropic*) AND (forest* OR woodland* OR rainforest*), AND (nutrient* OR fertili* OR nitrogen OR phosphorus OR limitation), AND (species OR growth OR herbivory OR biomass). Our final search protocol did not include potassium (K) due to the limited number of existing ...
Soil fungi are key players in nutrient cycles as decomposers, mutualists and pathogens, but the impact of tropical rain forest transformation into rubber or oil palm plantations on fungal community structures and their ecological functions are unknown. W
Pattern and process in Neotropical secondary rain forests: the first 100 years of succession. Trends Ecol. Evol. 11, 119–124 (1996). Article CAS Google Scholar Chazdon, R. L. Second Growth: The Promise of Tropical Forest Regeneration in an Age of Deforestation (Univ. Chicago Press, 2014...