This forum is meant for those growing tropical plants, indoors and out, and also those gardening in tropical regions. Related Topics: BrugmansiaPalms & CycadsTropicalesque GardensFlorida GardeningFuchsiaHawaii GardeningPlumeriaBananasBromeliadsPassifloraGingers Latest Featured Popular Unanswered Hawaiian plants...
Miami Tropical Plants offers a wide tropical plant variety to garden centers, landscape designers, greenhouses, botanical gardens, interiorscapers and private clients. We are proud to supply tropical plants from one of the leading tropical plant markets of the world. ...
By Karen Maxwell, Horticultural Specialist Did you know that Thomas Edison kept a “Best in My Index” list of plants during.. Read MoreSHARE Maid of Chautauqua July 11, 2023 By Karen Maxwell, Horticultural Specialist For most of her life, Mina Miller Edison may have enjoyed her July 6 bir...
Emerald Goddess Gardens : - Test Category USDA Zones Lilies, Iris, Bulbs Cacti and Succulents Florida Native Fragrant Plants Ground Covers Hibiscus Ixoras Roses Heirloom Antique Own Root Trees Unusual Plants Variegated and Colored Foliage Vines Butterfl
Hey there- my name is Brian and I run Melbourne Beach Gardens. You may be wondering what we do here.. Well, here’s the rundown- 1)We grow and sell live plants that can give your Florida yard the exotic tropical jungle look.
Spanning nearly 84 acres, the Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden is filled with tropical plants, flowers, and trees, including extremely rare species like the petticoat palm. It's also home to flora that can't survive anywhere else in America except for South Florida. Any standout features or...
Large planters to get the longest life out of the plants before they become root-bound, as many tropical plants have large root masses.
I did have reservations about leaving Florida but my only restriction on the move was I would take all my plants! So now in the tiny rural community ofSiloam Springs in Northwest Arkansasright on the border with Oklahoma and not far south of Missouri we own a flourishing rain forest!
Plants Sold 126,000+ Happy Customers 814,000+ Pounds of Oxygen Produced We are based in sunny subtropical south Florida and grow our stock in airy shadehouses and misted lath structures that permit our plants to thrive under near natural conditions. We pride ourselves in attention to detail whe...