Tropical forest responses to climate change: What long-term field studies can tell usTo accurately project with process models the future source/sink status of tropical forests requires field-quantifying their climatic sensitivities - i.e., the amount of change in a given forest process associated ...
‘climate change’, ‘fire’, ‘forest fragmentation’, using different combinations of search terms. We also considered additional references cited in the articles compiled, resulting in the examination of over a thousand titles and abstracts, from which we selected and carefully examined ca. 300 ...
sustained ground measurements have provided unique insight into its impacts and helped quantify forest sensitivity to climate change. Our analysis suggests that many South American forests are vulnerable to temperature increases
Potential shifts in the aboveground biomass and physiognomy of a seasonally dry tropical forest in a changing climate. Environ. Res. Lett. 15, 034053 (2020). Article Google Scholar Santoro, M. & Cartus, O. ESA Biomass Climate Change Initiative (Biomass_cci): global datasets of forest above...
will all affect forest response to changing climate. Thus, forest area is unlikely to expand even if climatically suitable, and will probably decrease in parts of northeast India due to extensive shifting cultivation and deforestation. A number of general adaptation measures to climate change are ...
forest ecosystems, and species living in these fragile ecosystems. Further research is also needed to generate knowledge on the status and significances of TDFs and their responses in the face of the changing climate so as to bring their sustainable management to the attention of policymakers and...
The response of tropical forest carbon balance to global change is highly dependent on the factors limiting net primary productivity (NPP) in this biome. Current empirical global NPP-climate relationships predict that the response of NPP to climate diminishes at higher levels of mean annual precipitat...
The tropical rainforest biome is an ecosystem that covers about 7% of the Earth’s surface. They are found all over the world but the majority of the tropical rainforest lies in South America in Brazil. The weather in the tropical rainforest is rainy yet pleasant all year round, day or ...
With all these kinds of plants, and with trees falling and making gaps where regrowth proliferates, the three-dimensional structure of the forest is complex. Despite the fairly uniform climate, flowering, fruiting, and leaf production are somewhat seasonal. In the other tropical forest types ...
Site- and species-specific responses of forest growth to climate across the European continent. Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 22, 706–717 (2013). Article Google Scholar Martin-Benito, D. & Pederson, N. Convergence in drought stress, but a divergence of climatic drivers across a latitudinal gradient...