Gap characteristicsCentral Western GhatsTropical evergreen forestsSpecies diversityRegenerationCanopy gaps play a significant role in maintaining structure and composition of tropical forests. This study was carried out in tropical evergreen forests of central Western Ghats in India to understand the ...
The 4.0 °C estimate is within the ‘worst-case scenario’ (representative concentration pathway (RCP) 8.5) of climate change predictions2 for tropical forests and therefore it is still within our power to decide (for example, by not taking the RCP 6.0 or 8.5 route) the fate of these ...
formations and the latter includes twelve formations. The tropical monsoon forest is a deciduous to semi-evergreen vegetation type between the tropical rain forest and the savannas on its original definition, and its distribution is controlled mainly by rainfall and topography. The tropical monsoon for...
Frugivory and seed dispersal by birds and mammals in the coastal tropical dry evergreen forests of southern India: A review Trop. Ecol., 56 (2015), pp. 41-55 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Davis et al., 2011 A.M. Davis, R.G. Pearson, B.J. Pusey, C. Perna, D.L. Morgan, D. ...
The natural biome of the equatorial zone is tropical rain forest and other humid tropical evergreen forests, whereas the wet–dry zone contains natural landscapes ranging from moist and dry deciduous forests to savanna and small areas of dry evergreen forest mainly in Thailand. Other ecosystems, ...
forests assuming one of three O3susceptibilities (low, moderate (mod.) and high), and are compared here to those used routinely when simulating temperate deciduous forests (T.De., typified byFagus sylvaticaandBetula pendula), temperate/boreal evergreen forests (T.Ev., typified byPicea abies), ...
Distribution of rodents in ecological space (tropical semi-evergreen broad-leaved forests of North Vietnam) is considered. Differences of species in sensitivity to various factors provide their independent distribution in the territory. Methods of constructing ecological niches in coordinates of the ecolog...
forests in Hainan, lowland rainforest and montane rainforest are structurally complicated, composed of abundant species of plants and animals, and imbued with rich and varied biological groups, complicated ecological characteristics and life processes, which are of great significance to the protection of...
Three indigenous tree species with contrasting leafing phenologies (evergreen, dry-season deciduous, and wet-season deciduous) were grown in monoculture and together with two other life-forms with which they commonly occur in tropical forests: a palm and a giant, perennial herb. To calculate ...
It is a late successional species in evergreen mixed humid forests where it regenerates by seeds, requiring shade for germination (Oyen, 2005). The species can grow on a variety of soils (Lescure and Boulet, 1985) and can be locally common along rivers, in swamp forests and on the inner...