Mapping tree species in tropical seasonal semi-deciduous forests with hyperspectral and multispectral data. Remote Sens. Environ. 179, 66-78, M P, ZORTEA M, ZANOTTA D C,et al. Map ping tree species in tropical seasonal semi-deciduous ...
To understand and quantify the role of forests on carbon cycle and its impact on climate change, it is critical to accurately quantify and monitor changes in forest AboveGround-Biomass (AGB). New advances in radar technologies have enabled the development of methods to map forest structure in 3...
change scenarios into account and the improved forest management practices should be planned and implemented in an integrated fashion as suggested in FAO (2010). Managers need to plan to build resilient dryland forest ecosystems. Greater awareness and appropriate policies and investments are needed at ...
Figure 3.Simplified map of the major ecosystem types of South America geographically defined on the basis of dominant vegetation. Tropical Semideciduous and Dry Forests These ecosystems occupy part of the eastern edge of the Andes in Bolivia and Brazil, the inter-Andean valleys of Colombia, the ...
in methods employed for the assessment and also variations in the definition of dry forests (Mooney et al.1995; Sánchez-Azofeifa and Portillo-Quintero2011). The extent and distribution of dry forests are generally depicted in the following FAO’s map of Global Ecological Zones (GEZ) (Fig.1)...
Oliveira-Filho AT, Curi N, Vilela EA, Carvalho DA (1998) Effects of canopy gaps, topography, and soils on the distribution of woody species in a central Brazilian deciduous dry forest. Biotropica 30:362–375 Article Google Scholar Oliveira-Filho AT, Jarenkow JA, Rodal MJN (2006) Floristic...
In North America, climate response groups are geographically segregated and the ‘Strong positive PP response’ and ‘Positive PP response’ groups are characterized by the lowest water availability (MAP; Extended Data Table 3). Furthermore, these climate response groups differ in PP variability, ...
Random Forest classifiertropical dry forestland coverTropical dry and deciduous forest comprises as much as 42% of the world's tropical forests, but hasreceived far less attention than forest in wet tropical areas. Land use change threatens to greatly reducethe extent of dry forest that is known...
novelty index values for each of the seven bioclimatic variables were extracted for the locations of tropical moist forest which were still undisturbed in 20196, defined as all closed forests in the humid tropics including the tropical rainforest and the tropical moist deciduous forest without any ob...
tropical deciduous foreststropical semideciduous forestsTropical dry forests are the most threatened tropical terrestrial ecosystem. However, few studies have been conducted on the natural regeneration necessary to restore these forests. We reviewed the ecology of regeneration of tropical dry forests as a ...