On the other hand, Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential is one of such non-conventional subsurface oceanographic parameters influencing the cyclone intensity. Wind shear must be low; when wind shear is high, the convection and circulation in the cyclone will be disrupted. Usually, an anticyclone in the...
[1] Tropical cyclone heat potential (TCHP) has been proposed as being important for hurricane and typhoon intensity. Here, a climatology of TCHP is developed for the Southwest Indian Ocean, a basin that experiences on average 1112 tropical cyclones per year, many of which impact on Mauritius, ...
Tropical cyclones that rapidly intensify are typically associated with the highest forecast errors and cause a disproportionate amount of human and financial losses. Therefore, it is crucial to understand if, and why, there are observed upward trends in tropical cyclone intensification rates. Here, we...
thenetair—seaheatflux(Qnet),interannual vaxiation 1 Introd【uction Oneofthesixlarge—scaleenvironmentpaxame- tersresponsibleforthetropicalcyclone(TC)genesis anddevelopmentisthewarmseasurfacetemperature (SST)(Gray,1979).withhigherunderlyingSST,TCs wouldbemoreactiveasshowninsomeclimatemod— els(Krisbnamur...
[137] When wind shear and latent heat release is present, tropical cyclones tend to move towards regions where potential vorticity is increasing most quickly.[138]【参考译文】背景风与热带气旋运动相关性最强的气压高度被称为“引导层”。[135]与运动与低层对流层较窄范围内的平均背景流相关性更强的较...
南半球在不引致误会时,中间会采用“气旋”(英语:Cyclone)一字作“热带气旋”(Tropical Cyclone)的简称。北印度洋地区(例如:东非、印度、中东苏伊士运河以东南地区)则惯用“气旋风暴”(英语:Cyclonic Storm)及相关分级称呼热带气旋。有传澳大利亚在1920年代或1930年代以前曾称当地的热带气旋为“威利威利”(Willy willy)[...
Main article: Tropical cyclone observation【主条目:热带气旋的观测】 此图片属于公共领域 图片题注:在飓风艾斯多尔螺旋雨带内的日落景色,于海拔7,000英尺拍摄图片来源:NOAA Tropical cyclones have occurred around the world for millennia. Reanalyses and research are being undertaken to extend the historical recor...