Elita Chikwati – Senior Reporter The Tropical System Eloise has strengthened and is now a severe tropical storm and there are indications of further intensification in the next 24 hours just before it makes a land fall south of Beira tomorrow, the Meteorological Services Department has said. Thi...
The premise has been validated that a tropical cyclone (TC, typhoon, hurricane), one of the most powerful large-scale formations systematically arising in the atmosphere, is an element of the ocean–atmosphere–ionosphere–magnetosphere system. The TC plays a crucial role with regard to a global...
The premise has been validated that a tropical cyclone (TC, typhoon, hurricane), one of the most powerful large-scale formations systematically arising in the atmosphere, is an element of the ocean–atmosphere–ionosphere–magnetosphere system. The TC plays a crucial role with regard to a global...
As such, the tropical cyclone spectrum can also be described by using well-known parametric models. A detailed process is described to parameterize the wave spectrum at any point in a tropical cyclone. Keywords: tropical cyclone; hurricane; wind-waves; wave spectrum ...