- BoM Track 2, [2 - 5 Nov 2022] - BoM Track 1, [27 Jul - 1 Aug 2022] - BoM Track Region Advisories and Notes: JTWC Northwest & Southwest Pacific Ocean Advisory JTWC North & South Indian Ocean Advisory BoM Weekly Tropical Climate Note Historical Tropical Cyclone Track Map...
While there is no way of knowing this with certainty, contemporary cyclone observations suggest this would be unlikely. The distance between adjacent sites range from between 50 km (Rockingham Bay to Cowley Beach) to 170 km (Cowley Beach to Wonga Beach). Observations from TC Debbie, which ...
Community Post Impact Assessment - Rapid Appraisal - Tropical Cyclone Debbie Whitsunday Coastdoi:10.13140/RG.2.2.21729.10086Yetta GurtnerAstrid Vachette
In March 2017, tropical cyclone Debbie hit the Queensland coast dumping 747mm of rainfall within 2days to the Gold Coast region. As a result, multiple shallow landslides occurred in Gold Coast and northern New South Wales due to the increase in soil saturation. A field investigation was ...
On 5 April 2017, ex-tropical cyclone Debbie delivered 157 mm of rainfall in 24 h, the 3rd highest 24-h total in 40 years. This was preceded 1 month earlier by 210 mm of rainfall on 8 March (the 'Tasman Tempest' storm), locally a 1 in 100-year event. A seawall constructed at ...
Ashley FieldField, A.R. 2017. Arrival of Tawny Coster butterflies on the east Australian coast coinciding with the winds of tropical cyclone Debbie. North Queensland Naturalist 47: 28-31.
In March 2017, tropical cyclone Debbie hit the Queensland coast dumping 747 mm of rainfall within 2 days to the Gold Coast region. As a result, multiple shallow landslides occurred in Gold Coast and northern New South Wales due to the increase in soil saturation. A field investigation was ...
In March 2017, tropical cyclone Debbie hit the Queensland coast dumping 747mm of rainfall within 2days to the Gold Coast region. As a result, multiple shallow landslides occurred in Gold Coast and northern New South Wales due to the increase in soil saturation. A field investigation was ...