Perhaps, given the substantial differences in total tree species richness25, forest structure1, contemporary climate26 and biogeographic and human-occupancy histories7 among continents, important contrasts in patterns of common species would be expected. Alternatively, if the same processes or mechanisms ...
Climate-only ecological niche models, however, may end up identifying areas with the environmental conditions suitable for the pathogen, vector, or reservoir, without accounting for the presence of vulnerable human populations or densely populated cities. We found that dengue fever, malaria, Chagas ...
Studies carried out in any part of a country located between the tropics in tropical Africa, which focused on the effects on human health from increasing tem- perature, extreme heat, or heatwaves, and considered humidity, wind speed, solar radiation, or hot climate. 2. Studies carried out ...
The Pantanal wetland ecosystem of Brazil is experiencing unprecedented local challenges from anthropogenic pressures, as well as from global climate change
This implies major changes in community-level carbonate production with ongoing human- and climate-induced shifts in fish size and trophic structure on global reefs6,45. One step further, we show that carbonate mineralogy is highly taxonomically conserved but also controlled by RIL and water ...
Pathways of influence of the Northern Hemisphere mid–high latitudes on East Asian climate: A review. Adv. Atmos. Sci. , 2019 , 36(9): 902 -921 CrossRef Google Scholar [26] 李 忠贤, 陈 晨, 曾 刚, et al. 春季热带大西洋北部海温异常与我国盛夏降水异常的联系. 热带气象学报 , 20...
BII. Secondly, we have so far only considered the impacts of land-use change and related pressures (human population and road density). Although these are the most important drivers of biodiversity loss in the recent past and near future, particularly in the tropics77, climate change is likely...
An analysis of the large-scale climate anomalies associated with the snowstorms affecting China in January 2008. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 2009 , 137(3): 1111 -1131 CrossRef Google Scholar [24] Wu R G, Hu Z Z, Kirtman B P. Evolution of ENSO-related rainfall anomalies in East Asia. ...
Addressing climate change will also require clear and explicit consideration of impacts on human society and natural ecosystems. In general, the impacts of climate change are felt most acutely by individuals, communities, and countries who contribute the least to global emissions and are often the mo...
The Middle to Later Stone Age transition in Africa has been debated as a significant shift in human technological, cultural, and cognitive evolution. However, the majority of research on this transition is currently focused on southern Africa due to a lack of long-term, stratified sites across ...