Troop-leading procedures (TLPs) for task force engineersQuander, Mark CEngineer
Troop leading procedures (TLPs) extend the military decision-making process (MDMP) to the small-unit level. The MDMP and TLP are similar but not identical. They are both linked by the basic Army problem-solving process. Commanders with a coordinating staff use the MDMP as their primary ...
The article focuses on the development of effective and expedient troop-leading procedures from the U.S. Army battalion planner and company commander. Planning process has three types, which include Centralized Planning, Cooperative Planning and Framework Planning. Centralized planning is commonly used by...
The article focuses on the development of effective and expedient troop-leading procedures from the U.S. Army battalion planner and company commander. Planning process has three types, which include Centralized Planning, Cooperative Pl...
OTMs are also required to identify leaders who lack the capacity to lead in combat and train their replacements prior to deployment.OlsenCharlesJ.SierakowskiDavidR.HoldenRonaldLaudonioJohnEBSCO_AspEngineer