Troop 567 is a general interest troop. Troop meetings focus on skills instruction, games, rank advancement and merit badge work. Monthly outings include campouts, backpacks, hikes and special events. We are a boy-run troop and rely on our junior leaders and the patrol method to teach leaders...
Troop Leader Background Who Am I ? Why Am I Doing This? What is my Background? My Expectation: Financial hardship will not preclude participation Parent participation is needed and expected- Girl Scouts is your time with your daughter. No bullying. Parents will be expected to attend the troo...
Robert Goris, a junior at Grand Island High School and a member of Boy Scout Troop 254, has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. Robert's Eagle project consisted of building and staining ten bat houses, to be placed throughout the community as a method of mosquito control. He organized and...