Trojan:JS/Redirector.CR Detected by Microsoft Defender Antivirus Aliases: HTML/IFrame.L (Command) JS.Redirector.Gen (VirusBuster) HTML/Infected.WebPage.Gen (Avira) Hack.Exploit.Script.HTML.IFrame.o (Rising AV) Troj/JSRedir-BD (Sophos) Trojan-Downloader.HTML.Agent.k (Sunbelt Software) JS_...
是个 ASP 木马 一般是用来拿 WEBSHELL的木马 或其他的ASP木马 如果你的电脑是服务器的话 就说明你的服务器 很可能被入侵了 把他删了 把杀毒软件升级到最新版本并 进行全面的扫描 如果是个人电脑 你就把他删了 并全面的扫描一下
这是木马病毒,你可以使用下360急救箱,下载,解压后,进入安全模式运行360系统急救箱自定义全盘扫描,查杀一遍,查杀完成后重启电脑。 然后再打开360系统急救箱,选择修复功能(修复选项可全选),立即修复,如果还是不能解决问题,那就重装系统。
Trojan:JS/Redirector.DEB!MTB Detected by Microsoft Defender Antivirus Aliases:No associated aliases Summary Microsoft Defender Antivirusdetects and removes this threat. This threat can perform a number of actions of a malicious actor's choice on your device. ...
打开百度也是吗?或者是QQ的官方网站?如果是的话 检查浏览器吧如果不是就是个别的网站被挂马
首先请您下载“瑞星安全助手”安装(下载地址:。安装成功后打开瑞星安全助手,按照如下提示操作: 1.进行插件清理:依次点击『电脑优化』---『清理插件』,然后对不良插件进行清理。 2.清理垃圾文件:依次点击『电脑优化』---『清理垃圾文件』,请全部选中后点击『开始扫描...
I booted my pc yesterday, went to youtube(as far as i remember i didnt visit any potentialy dangerous sites) and then all of sudden my microsoft defender detected some kind of trojan(Trojan:HTML/Redirector.GPAY!MTB) in a java's cache file. I restarted my pc in a safe mode cleared ja...
✅ I am not able to remove a trojan that windows defender found on the pc. Can someone suggest...:I did a full scan. Windows Defender found 2 threats namely :1 Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml2Trojan:JS/AgentThe first one was removed, but when I tried ...
R1 AvgMfx86;AVG Free On-access Scanner Minifilter Driver x86;c:\windows\system32\drivers\avgmfx86.sys [2007-2-1 27784] R1 AvgTdiX;AVG Free8 Network Redirector;c:\windows\system32\drivers\avgtdix.sys [2009-5-23 108552] R1 SASDIFSV;SASDIFSV;c:\program files\superantispyware\sasdifs...