China is known for vigorous infrastructure build-out. C-REITs could turn these assets (US$60trn) into a key investment class for domestic and global investors.
1.8万亿美元,trn是trillion的缩写。1.8 美元乘以汇率呀
KuatNurdanKsekahyaoluLeventJournal of Alanya Faculty of Business / Alanya Isletme Fakültesi Dergisi
Nigeria records ₦1.6trn subscription in February bond auction Nigeria’s bond auction for this month recorded a significant surge in investor demand, with total subscriptions hitting 1.63 trillion naira compared to the 670.94 billion naira recorded in January. Meanwhile, traders at Access Bank expec...
Gpif, Japan's biggest pension fund, with over $162trn (US$1.47trn) under management, has opened the door to junk-rated domestic bond investments, in a move that is expected to broaden the Japanese debt capital market. For bonds issued by entities other than the government and municipalities...
The government is funding the new bank for the first stages of its life, before opening it up to external investors. Prime minister Narendra Modi plans a $1.5 trillion programme to revamp India’s road and rail network over the next five years. ...
愚公为什么搬山,因为那座山挡住了他家的路,是他的家通往外面世界的障碍。故事原意是比喻有毅力就能成功,我却从中看到:人对无障碍通行的追求。无障碍,英文相关词汇:barrier free、accessibility、barrier-free design(无障碍设计),无障碍,在发展过程中没有阻碍,活动能够顺利进行。无障碍设施是指为了保障残疾人、老年人...
Sri Lanka's bank credit surged in March 2022 after a collapse of a soft-peg and the value dollar books of banks from inflated in domestic currency as an intermediate regime central bank attempted to regain control of reserve money through a float.
1.3trn yuan ($200bn)超过电池制造领域市值第二名LG、第三名松下、第四名比亚迪市值之和。 3. 依附全球最大电动车市场 中国大陆是全球最大的电动车市场,而宁德时代占有这一市场一半左右的锂电份额 4. 接受创新的市场氛围 中国的汽车制造商相交西方同行更有冒险精神,这给了宁德时代创新空间 ...
人物简介: 一、徐小芳担任职务:担任高淳县恒信投资担保有限公司总经理;二、徐小芳的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,徐小芳与梅小强、吕新和为商业合作伙伴。 老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 商业关系图 一图看清商业版图 合作伙伴 了解老板合作关系 ...