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endoftheircognatetRNAsfor initiationofproteintranslationtheenzymeEPRSalsopossessesnoncanonicalfunctionas monocyte/macrophage-specifictranslationalsilencingofinflammatorygeneexpression beyondthecanonicalaminoacylationfunction.Duringthepast15yearsimportant progresseshavebeenmadeonfunctionalresearchaboutEPRS-directedregulationof ...
The previously suggested roles of protein synthesis and tRNA aminoacylation in the regulation of intracellular protein breakdown were examined in strains of E. coli temperature-sensitive for aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. Direct measurements of tRNA aminoacylation show no correlation between the degree of ...
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Tryptamine in the diet, human microbiome, tRNA aminoacylation-protein biosynthesis, host-microbiota metabolic interactionsFormation of tangles of filaments with diameter 20 nm was first demonstrated in nonneuronal cells, the kidney cells treated with tryptamine or tryptophanol, the tryptophan metabolites, ...
PROOFREADING PROCESSES IN PROTEIN BIOSYNTHESIS - ON THE MECHANISM OF AMINOACYLATION OF tRNA - ScienceDirectdoi:10.1016/B978-0-08-024417-4.50025-1The translation of the RNA message into a protein sequence require-apart from the codon-anticodon interaction - a correct recognition of specific tRNAs ...
Amino acid:[carrier protein] ligases (aa:CP ligases) are recently discovered enzymes that are highly similar to class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs). However, while aaRSs aminoacylate tRNA and supply building blocks for ribosomal translation, aa:CP ligases transfer activated amino acids to...