隆重推出紀念 CASIO 手錶走過 50 年的錶款。我們推出的 TRN-50 錶款,復刻 1974 年推出的原版 Casiotron 設計,並融合太陽能充電與 Bluetooth®藍牙及無線電波接收功能。全新的 TRN-50SS 以「天空與海洋」的設計概念為靈感,結合藍色與金色兩種色調,象徵無所不在且瞬息萬變的天空、海洋,以及照耀海天美景的陽光。
為慶祝 Casio 手錶面世 50 週年,Casio 推出精美升級的 Casiotron 手錶。這款手錶不僅代表品牌不斷創新的精神,更彰顯其始終如一的品質承諾。 這款重新構造的特別限量版手錶採用富有紀念意義的特殊配色和設計,融入 Casio 特有的色調、材質和飾面細節,喚起人們對變幻無窮
隆重推出一款紀念 Casio 手錶 50 週年的手錶。我們參考 1974 年首次亮相的原創 Casiotron 來重新創作 TRN-50,同時結合以 Bluetooth® 與電波控制的太陽能計時功能。新款 TRN-50SS 採用藍色和金色的組合,靈感來自「天與海」的概念,喚起無處不在且不斷變化的天空、大海,以及令其閃閃發亮的陽光。此設計主題圖案既傳...
Introducing a watch commemorating 50 years of Casio watches. We made the TRN-50 by re-creating the design of the original Casiotron, which debuted in 1974, while incorporating solar-powered timekeeping with Bluetooth® and radio control. The new TRN-50SS features a combination of blue and gol...
Introducing a watch commemorating 50 years of Casio watches. We made the TRN-50 by re-creating the design of the original Casiotron, which debuted in 1974, while incorporating solar-powered timekeeping with Bluetooth® and radio control. The new TRN-50SS features a combination of blue and gol...
Celebrate 50 years of innovation with the Casio Casiotron TRN- 50SS. Advanced modern technology meets the classic 1974 style for the 50th anniversary Casiotron.
Celebrate 50 years of Casio watches with a beautifully updated Casiotron that symbolizes Casio’s determination to stay true to who we are, while constantly innovating. This special limited-edition re-creation features a special commemorative color sche