前段时间刷微博时,刚好看到TRN官宣出新品——“水母”动圈耳机,说是颜值空前,于是一时心痒痒就剁了一条回来试试! 说老实,水母这颜值确实是可以的。 超清透的树脂壳体,内部动圈单元和饰面板直接融为一体,甚至连内部的走线也都为了美观而特别注意。只不过我的拍照技术有限,总感觉出来的照片远不如水母实物来得好看。
要按以往那个老节奏感,估摸着 2025年的年底,搭载平板换能原理的耳塞才会在性能磨合上普遍被成熟化,才会先在高价位普遍铺开,然后到2026开始下沉装配到中档价位耳塞上,可能到2027年“平价好听高性价比的平板耳塞”才会成为市场主流——当年K3003引领圈铁风潮的时候,节奏感大致就是这个样子,从旗舰概念到下沉主流整个周期...
R6 Tracker App V3.0 Yesterday we announced the roll-out of our new R6 app, we’ve rebuilt it from the ground up and added a tonne of fantastic features. We’ve added a new way to track your operator, weapon and map stats, a great way to learn what your strengths are and how to...
— Rainbow Six Tracker (@R6Tracker) December 21, 2021 TRN Premium Last Days Of Sale Few more days left to get your TRN Premium is the lowest price it will ever be! A good bunch of rewards is waiting for you when you become a premium member, so make sure you seize that opportunity...
Regardless of R6 support, we released a few more updates to the mobile app, ensuring it's clean. We got your feedback, and we are following up on it and fixing bugs. Please continue to let us know what you think! Don't forgetto follow us on TwitterandInstagramto get all the latest...
Last week, we announced our big update to the R6 Overwolf app. Since then, we've continued to make improvements and add new features. One of the new additions is the "Weapon Performance" page within the "Operators" tab. This new page allows you to see if you're better with certain ...
R6 Unranked data, and Casual MMR We were finally able to add Unranked stats to your profile, and we also added Casual MMR to your season stats. Here's a demo profile. There are also many improvements and optimizations done to several sites on the network to improve the general experience....
While we are cooking some more features and update to our R6 Tracker Overlay app as we speak, we released a big update this week: The compact view is now the new size window of the app, providing a cleaner user experience. Changed the way we detect API issues, so even if something sm...
精度等级 1.0 hFE 0 ~ 1000 (TR连接器) 产品尺寸 148mm * 100mm * 35毫米mm 电源 R6(1.5V) x 2,622F 9V x 1 包装和发货信息 销售单位: 单一商品 单品包装尺寸: 15.3X1.15X5 厘米 单品毛重: 0.150 公斤 展开 交货时间评分评价 产品评价 (0) 店铺评价 (24) 5.0 非常满意 基于24 条评论真实买家评...