Precipitation (Precip): The daily average precipitation product is generated based on the 3-hourly multi-satellite precipitation TMPA (3B42) dataset, with a 24-hour summation of data within each grid cell to obtain the daily average precipitation. Monthly average precipitation data is the monthly ...
Gallery: Accumulation of storm dataNew Window February 21, 2025 New rain map: Winter precipitation around JapanNew Window February 17, 2025 New rain maps based on PR+DPR V07A&B and GSMaP MVK v8New Window February 22, 2024 Improved image processing of 0.1°-scale PR+DPR V06A precipitation ...
This work exposes a methodology which contemplates the use of TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) daily precipitation data in its current version 3B42V7 over small watersheds located in Northern Coast of Peru, a region with strong climate variability. This dataset was corrected with in-situ...
('precipitation') precip = precip[:] precip = np.transpose(precip) np.putmask(precip, precip<0,0) precip_t = np.flip(precip,0)returnprecip_tdefwrite_nc(data, count):print(data.shape) f_w = nc.Dataset('','w',format='NETCDF4') f_w.set_fill_off() f_w.create...
TRMM降水数据在中天山区域的精度评估分析[J].干旱区地理, 2013, 36(2):253-262.[JI Xuan, LUO Yi. Quality assessment of the TRMM precipitation data in Mid Tianshan Mountains[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2013, 36(2):253-262.] 浏览 [20] 朱强,陈秀万,樊启祥,等.基于TRMM的降雨侵蚀力计算方法[J]....
A 5-year mean seasonal analysis of mean storm height data and histograms from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Precipitation Radar (PR) have been used to study the storm structure of the major climatic regions in Africa and over the adjacent Atlantic ocean. The analysis was ...
由于数据中缺少经纬度信息(也可能是我没有找到),为了实现区域切片,这里手动造了一个dataarray的数据,从而实现切片的过程 数据中读取的变量为precipitation,读取完之后是个二维的数组,为了给他加上时间纬度,所以手动给他进行了扩维,之后实现多年的气候态平均计算 ...
2) Click File|Open External File|Generic Format|HDF. Select a file and click OK 3) Select both precipitation and relativeError (e.g., 3B43.100201.6A.HDF) and click OK. Select BSQ in HDF Data Set Storage Order 4) Select Basic Tools|Rotate/Flip Data. Select Data Set #1 (precipitation)...
(GPCC) monthly surface precipitation gauge analysis. In each case the multi-satellite data are adjusted to the large-area mean of the gauge analysis, where available (mostly over land), and then combined with the gauge analysis using a simple inverse estimated-random-error variance weighting. ...