变量集群(由PlaceHolderAPI提供,也就是支持任意papi变量)(可能需要hosts修改) https://github.com/PlaceholderAPI/PlaceholderAPI/wiki/Placeholders 变量拓展网站(下载完毕放在目录中) https://api.extendedclip.com/all/ TrMenu官方Wiki (V3) https://trmenu.insinuate.io/ Kether动作列表(来自坏黑大佬) Kether — Repo...
🚀 Have you tried the latest version I have updated TrMenu to the latest version and the same bug is reproduced. 📚 Have you checked the Wiki I have checked the Wiki's related content about the problem and determined that the problem exist...
It covers a larger variety of functions, and easier to configurae menu Also a detailed wiki help you qucik start🌍 bStats🚩 LicenseLICENSEDespite TrMenu is a premium plugin, by any means, I will not prevent you from downloading the artifacts or compiling them yourself as long as you do...
🚀 是否已尝试最新的版本 我已更新 TrMenu 至最新的版本, 并且同样复现该问题. 📚 是否已查阅 Wiki 我已查阅 Wiki 对于该问题的相关内容, 并确定该问题是存在的. 🔗 是否存在重复 issue 我已翻阅现有的 issue 没有发现内容重复, 亦或是对现有 issue 的更详细的描述.
TrMenu is a brand new advanced dynamic menu plugin You can create unlimited & highly customized inventory GUIs It covers a larger variety of functions, and easier to configurae menu Also a detailed wiki help you qucik start 🌍 bStats 🚩 License LICENSE Despite TrMenu is a premium plugin, ...
Code Pull requests 3 Actions Projects Wiki Security Insights Actions: InsinuateProjects/TrMenu Actions All workflows CI Management Caches All workflows Showing runs from all workflows 8 workflow runs Event Status Branch Actor [6.0.11][unstable] Experimental > 1.20 support CI #90...
Wiki 变量集群(由PlaceHolderAPI提供,也就是支持任意papi变量)(可能需要hosts修改) https://github.com/PlaceholderAPI/PlaceholderAPI/wiki/Placeholders 变量拓展网站(下载完毕放在目录中) https://api.extendedclip.com/all/ TrMenu官方Wiki (V3) https://trmenu.insinuate.io/ ...
📚 是否已查阅 Wiki 我已查阅 Wiki 并确定没有存在该功能. 🔗 是否存在重复 issue 我已翻阅现有的 issue 没有发现内容重复, 亦或是对现有 issue 的更详细的描述. 🔍 详细的描述 如题 Dreeam-qwq最帅 坏黑其次 ⚙ 配置文件 No response
🚀 是否已尝试最新的版本 我已更新 TrMenu 至最新的版本, 并且同样复现该问题. 📚 是否已查阅 Wiki 我已查阅 Wiki 对于该问题的相关内容, 并确定该问题是存在的. 🔗 是否存在重复 issue 我已翻阅现有的 issue 没有发现内容重复, 亦或是对现有 issue 的更详细的描述.