Trivial Pursuit Live! 2 is available in English, French, German, Spanish and Russian.Take your place on stage to showcase your knowledge and face off against friends and family to collect as many wedges as you can to take home the win! Challenge other players from all around the world or...
switch《冷知识问答2 TV Show Trivial Pursuit Live! 2》英文版下载,这是一款知识问答类型的游戏,是根据综艺节目改编而来的,游戏中有很多趣味的冷知识,感兴趣的玩家可以来体验一下。 《冷知识问答 TV Show(Trivial Pursuit Live!)》一个世界知名的 "冷知识" 游戏,快节奏的答题方式,让您仿佛置身 TV Show 中。
Graphics Graphically, even with the parade of colors, Trivial Pursuit Live! will not really wow you at any given time. Even though the colorful scenery is clearly inspired by the original board game, it end up looking a bit like a mix between the ‘Scene it’ games and the ‘Buzz’ fra...
Trivial Pursuit Live! 2 is available in English, French, German, Spanish and Russian. Take your place on stage to showcase your knowledge and face off against friends and family to collect as many wedges as you can to take home the win! Challenge other players from all around the world ...
Trivial Pursuit Live! 2 is available in English, French, German, Spanish and Russian. Take your place on stage to showcase your knowledge and face off against friends and family to collect as many wedges as you can to take home the win! Challenge other players from all around the world ...
DUALSHOCK 4 vibration Ratings Trivial Pursuit Live! 2 (English) Global player ratings 3.41Average rating 3.41 stars out of 5 stars from 384 ratings 384 ratings 10% 7% 24% TRIVIAL PURSUIT, the associated logo, the distinctive design of the game board, trivia cards, game tokens, and scoring we...
《Trivial Pursuit Live! 2》提供英文、法文、德文、西班牙文及俄文版本。 站上舞台展现你的知识,与亲朋好友竞争,尽己所能地获得扇形板,将胜利带回家!挑战世界各地的玩家或对抗你的 Twitch 直播观众。数以百计的新问题、可调整的难度级别和多元的角色阵容,让每个人都能参加派对,享受快步调电视节目的刺激感。