Differential algebra for derivations with nontrivial commutation rules - Hubert - 2005 () Citation Context ...ons of the generating invariants, and hence show that the algebra of differential invariants of a locally freely acting, transitive pseudo-group forms a rational non-commutative differential ...
Treasury faces calls to split DB and DC trivial commutation.The article reports that Great Britain Treasury has been urged by Hargreaves Lansdown head of pensions research Tom McPhail to reconsider commutation rules for defined contribution (DC) pension schemes.SelbyTomEBSCO_bspMoney Marketing...
To see this formally, one can expand an operator as a linear combination of products of\(\mathcal{Z}_a\)and\(\mathcal{X}_a\), and examine commutation relations to remove unwanted terms. See LemmaA.5for a general result. The marriage theorem [23, Chap. 22 Thm. 3] states that give...
They warned that trivial commutation rules may create an uneven playing field between occupational pension schemes and other types of pension. According to Aegon Scottish Equitable head of pensions development Rachel Vahey, ...
Finance Bill blocks trivial commutation loopholeReports on a loophole in pension rules created by the finance bill in Great Britain. Opportunity for investors to gain quick return on investments.Greenwood, JohnMo...
Discusses the impact of rules to free up small pension funds in Great Britain. Opening of door for more investors to take small pension funds in cash and get a bonus from the Inland Revenue agency; Inland Revenue's...