MMV 1st Year Online Test SDCK ITI Baijnath Created by Anil Premi Questions: 35 | Attempts: 254 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 Sample Question ___ is best suited extinguisher for oil or flammable liquid fire. Soda...
I like that the questions are thought-provoking, and that no matter which way you answer, right OR wrong, they provide an explanation to help you understand the situation and the best way to handle it. I also like the occasional videos included with some answers! I'd give this app 5 st...
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The 1985 National Primary Championship was held in Charlotte, North Carolina. Josh was the number-one seeded player. In the final round (round 7) he lost to David Arnett. Arnett and Matt Goldman tied for 1st-2nd, with 6.5 out of 7 points. Arnett and Waitzkin went to Dalton. Dalton capt...
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Questions and Answers 1. To clean his shelter Brian ___. A. Changed the pine needle bedding B. Washed the rocks down with water from the lake C. Brought in dry leaves to cover the floor D. Swept the sand and hung up his jacket to dry Correct Answer D. Swept the sand and ...
I like that the questions are thought-provoking, and that no matter which way you answer, right OR wrong, they provide an explanation to help you understand the situation and the best way to handle it. I also like the occasional videos included with some answers! I'd give this app 5 st...
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