Meet our Games Experience the entire universe of Trivia Crack right in the palm of your hand!Find out now Trivia Crack for Twitch Discover the first interactive trivia experience on Twitch and connect with your viewers in your own show!Learn more Every day is an opportunity for the little one...
Meet our Games Experience the entire universe of Trivia Crack right in the palm of your hand!Find out now Trivia Crack for Twitch Discover the first interactive trivia experience on Twitch and connect with your viewers in your own show!Learn more Every day is an opportunity for the little one...
Can children participate in sports trivia on Trivia Crack? Yes, of course! Trivia Crack is a game for all ages. Children can play Trivia Crack and all its game modes with their families. And do you know that at Trivia Crack you can find a virtual pet? We are sure that kids will enjo...
中文名:Trivia Crack 琐事裂纹游戏又名Trivia Crack,是款非常棒的社交益智游戏;游戏中,你可以轻松的和你的好友对战!丰富的游戏玩法随你挑选!丰富的游戏知识,各种知识等你来学!走过路过的玩家朋友们可千万不要错过了,你还在等什么?快来下载吧! 琐事裂纹手机版介绍 琐事裂纹是款益智闯关小游戏,这个游戏有6种不同的...
Can I play entertainment trivia on Trivia Crack with my friends? Yes! Love games with friends? Join them in the world's most popular trivia game. Put your skills to the test and challenge them! In Classic Mode we have got plenty of trivia questions about the topics you want and you can...
玩时下最夯的益智游戏,尽情挑战众位好友和劲敌吧!让可爱的轮盘小子"威利"替我们从六大不同类别中,选出下一个有待回答的问题。答对问题,成为第一位获得六顶皇冠的大赢家。但是小心哦,可能还有复赛等着您! | Trivia Crack怎么样,是否值得买 |
Trivia Crack作为一款益智答题手游,Trivia Crack的操作非常简单,和传统猜词答题游戏不同,玩家们需要在这款游戏中从6大类别中(娱乐、艺术、历史、科学、地理以及体育)选择其一进行答题,而不再需要绞尽脑汁的确定每一个单词的确切拼写方式,每个类别都可以让玩家学到不同的知识,这样不仅降低了难度,也增加了游戏乐趣。
Trivia Crack小裂纹游戏是一款类似于“你画我猜”的益智游戏,因为其画风呆萌,玩法多样,深受好评。该游戏延续了知识竞猜比拼的游戏特点,吸引不少国内外玩家!如果你喜欢这款软件,就快来IT猫扑下载吧! 小裂纹破解安卓版介绍 这个小游戏并莫名蹿红,还一度成为美区畅销榜的常客,这款由阿根廷开发商 Etermax 制作的益智...
- Twitter: @triviacrack - Instagram: - YouTube: What’s New Mar 13, 2025 Version 3.307.1 We listened to you and made important improvements. We fixed some bugs in the app. Thanks to everyone...