Triton provides model management APIs are part of theHTTP/REST and GRPC protocols, and as part of the C API. Triton operates in one of three model control modes: NONE, EXPLICIT or POLL. The model control mode determines how changes to the model repository are handled by Triton and which o...
model_ready = triton_client.is_model_ready('resnet50_pytorch') # 启动命令: ./bin/tritonserver --model-store=/models --model-control-mode explicit --load-model resnet50_pytorch # Triton 允许我们使用客户端去加载/卸载模型 triton_client.unload_model('resnet50_pytorch') triton_client.load_mod...
3.1、Tensorflow 模型配置文件路径结构说明(支持 GraphDef 和SavedModel): model-repository-path 上一节中的 -v 挂载的路径, 默认以当前目录为挂载点. model-name 就是当前部署的模型的名字,在符合 Linux 和 C++ 的命名规范下, 自定义命名 若使用 SavedModel 的形式进行配置的话, saved-model 以tensorflow 导出...
--strict-model-config: true 表示一定要配置文件,false 则表示可以尝试自动填充 --model-control-mode: none, poll, explicit 三种 --repository-poll-secs: 轮询时长 --load-model: 配合 explicit 使用,指定启动的模型 --backend-config <<string>,<string>=<string>>: 给某个 backend 加上特定的选项 四...
Triton operates in one of three model control modes: NONE, POLL, or EXPLICIT. Model Control Mode NONE¶ Triton attempts to load all models in the model repository at startup. Models that Triton is not able to load will be marked as UNAVAILABLE and will not be ...
| model_control_mode | MODE_NONE | | strict_model_config | 1 | | rate_limit | OFF | | pinned_memory_pool_byte_size | 268435456 | | cuda_memory_pool_byte_size{0} | 300021772 | | response_cache_byte_size | 0 | | min_supported_compute_capability | 6.0 | ...
()model_ready=triton_client.is_model_ready('resnet50_pytorch')# 启动命令: ./bin/tritonserver --model-store=/models --model-control-mode explicit --load-model resnet50_pytorch# Triton 允许我们使用客户端去加载/卸载模型triton_client.unload_model('resnet50_pytorch')triton_client.load_model('...
--load-model <string> Name of the model to be loaded on server startup. It may be specified multiple times to add multiple models. Note that this option will only take affect if --model-control-mode=explicit is true. --pinned-memory-pool-byte-size <integer> The total byte size that ...
List of available models in Model control mode 0 443 2020 年3 月 6 日 removed 0 489 2020 年3 月 6 日 Tensor RT server with GPU only instances high CPU usage 4 2286 2020 年2 月 27 日 Real Time Inference with Multi GPU - Multiple Model 1 1358 2020 年1 月 29 日 Fir...