在triton的官方tutorial中给出了如何使用triton的language api来实现gemm的算子,在上一章的最后,我也给出了对应的例子以及他通过和调用torch.matmul实现的gemm在3090上的性能比较。最终可以发现,针对某些size的gemm,triton在TFLOPS这个指标层面是能够超过cublas的实现,但是后面我通过nsight system对每个kernel的具体执行时...
这篇文章主要想分析一下Triton从前端DSL到后端NV PTX究竟是如何一步步Lowering的,为了分析方便,使用Tutorial中最简单的例子:Vector Add Triton DSL importtorchimporttritonimporttriton.languageastl@triton.jitdefadd_kernel(x_ptr,# *Pointer* to first input vector.y_ptr,# *Pointer* to second input...
# 另一个技巧是通过增加每行分配的线程数来要求编译器使用更多的线程块 (`num_warps`) # You will see in the next tutorial how to auto-tune this value in a more natural # way so you don't have to come up with manual heuristics yourself. # 将在下一个教程中看到如何以更自然的方式自动调整...
在triton的官方tutorial中给出了如何使用triton的language api来实现gemm的算子,在上一章的最后,我也给出了对应的例子以及他通过和调用torch.matmul实现的gemm在3090上的性能比较。最终可以发现,针对某些size的gemm,triton在TFLOPS这个指标层面是能够超过cublas的实现,但是后面我通过nsight system对每个kernel的具体执行时...
# increasing the numberofwarps(`num_warps`)over which each row is distributed.#另一个技巧是通过增加每行分配的线程数来要求编译器使用更多的线程块(`num_warps`)# You will seeinthe next tutorial how to auto-tunethisvalueina more natural
This is the development repository of Triton, a language and compiler for writing highly efficient custom Deep-Learning primitives. The aim of Triton is to provide an open-source environment to write fast code at higher productivity than CUDA, but also with higher flexibility than other existing ...
import triton.language as tl from triton.runtime import driver def naive_softmax(x): """Compute row-wise softmax of X using native pytorch 使用原生 PyTorch 计算 X 的逐行 softmax We subtract the maximum element in order to avoid overflows. Softmax is invariant to ...
language as tl import sys import argparse import pytest # `triton.jit`'ed functions can be auto-tuned by using the `triton.autotune` decorator, which consumes: # - A list of `triton.Config` objects that define different configurations of # meta-parameters (e.g., `BLOCK_SIZE_M`) and ...
Triton,首先认识它是基于Python的DSL(Domain Specific Language)所以它是一门编程语言,这也是大多数人在接触它的初衷,即听闻通过Triton能以较低的成本(学习上手成本、环境安装成本、代码优化成本)实现高性能的GPU代码。这意味着用户将它看作编程语言时,能直接通过符合Triton语法的类Python代码实现GPU kernel。 其次需要认...
import triton.language as tl from triton.runtime import driver defnaive_softmax(x):"""Compute row-wise softmax of X using native pytorch 使用原生 PyTorch 计算 X 的逐行 softmax We subtract the maximum element in order to avoid overflows.Softmax is invariant to ...