It entered service with British Airways on May 7, 1979, flying between London and Abu Dhabi. The last L-1011 produced was a TriStar 500, operated by the Las Vegas Sands.[64] 【参考译文】三叉戟500于1978年10月16日首次试飞,并于1979年4月27日首次交付给英国航空。该机型于1979年5月7日投入...
Shah Sulphur Station & Pipelines Project (CCE&P) June 30, 2012 Tristar has been awarded by CCE&P (main Contractor) the earthworks subcontract package for the Shah Sulphur Station & Pipelines Projects of Al Hosn Gas (part of ADNOC Group of Companies)....
TT-DWE – L-1011-100 on display at the Emirates National Auto Museum in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. This aircraft was originally delivered to British Airways.[104]【参考译文】TT-DWE——在阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布扎比的阿联酋国家汽车博物馆展出的L-1011-100型飞机。这架飞机最初交付给英国航空公司...