Lophostemon confertus 同義詞Tristania conferta 英文名稱 Brisbane box 科 桃金娘科Myrtaceae 屬 紅膠木屬Lophostemon 習性 常綠喬木 其他特色 較宜在蔭蔽而疏散的土壤中生長,能抑減林地雜草生長,遭生山火焚燒後再生能力很強.為舊日"植樹三寶"之一. 與大葉桉同為白蟻所愛好寄居樹木 網主隨筆 大葉桉(桉屬)和紅膠木...
Tristania conferta R.Br. 红木文献(pubmed) 赞助商链接以下为句子列表:英文: Inference technology is the most important in fault diagnosis system.However it is difficult to draw an inference in complexity system.The model integrated RBR、CBR and FNN is put forward to solve the trouble of armament...
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