Tristanais the only champion in the game who's passive abilityDraw a Beadcannot do anything, under any circumstances, at level 1. League of Legends Wiki|Champions References Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted....
原始特效 区别于已有皮肤,为皮肤增加 元素,红色/威严/爆炸/烟。 E的爆炸 特效纹理 新的动态展示 原画原始方案: 原画方案: (据消息,原画将从2或9中选择,但未明确是那一张) 资料出处,nexus.leagueoflegends.comLOL 英雄联盟 小炮 小恶魔 皮肤 麦林炮手 崔丝塔娜 新皮肤 ...
精神之花特里斯坦那传奇联盟(spirit-blossom-tristana-league-of-legends) 资源编号 :99773983 格式:mov 文件体积 :54m 时长:25秒 分辨率 :3840×2160 幸福是奋斗出来 浏览截图 MP4 54m 格式画质分辨率体积 加载中... 加载失败,点击重新加载 收藏 评论
League of Legends - Tristana 登录注册 音乐 视频 社区 小程序 游戏 手机应用 将自动采用推荐技术 Roxolana Ridel 全部照片 League of Legends - Tristana21 21 张照片|相册评论
Tristana, the Yordle Gunslinger, is a playable character champion in the popular online battle arena game League of Legends (LoL). She is known for her ranged attacks and ability to deal significant damage from a distance. Tristana excels in the ADC (Attack Damage Carry) role, focusing on ...
R Q W 原始特效 区别于已有皮肤,为皮肤增加 元素,红色/威严/爆炸/烟。 E的爆炸 GIF 特效纹理 新的动态展示 原画原始方案: 原画方案: (据消息,原画将从2或9中选择,但未明确是那一张) 资料出处, 分享到: 投诉或建议
所属专辑:Insights 男高少年:英文自提柜 声音简介 Tristana, the Yordle Gunslinger, is a playable character champion in the popular online battle arena game League of Legends (LoL). She is known for her ranged attacks and ability to deal significant damage from a distance. Tristana excels in the...
Riot Girl Tristana, Jean Go : Riot Girl Tristana splash art for League of Legends. (c) Riot Games 来源 同来源关注来源 相似商用素材I源文件可下载编辑更多 查看更多 卡牌角色 488采集· 90关注 关注画板让让风继续吹 1045粉丝· 3.8w+采集 关注Ta 2018/05/26 转采自ahuauha 来自布拉希...
For those who do not who she is or what she looks like, Tristana is a champion in League of Legends, and one of the very first. She is a member of the Yordle race, which I consider to be the equivalent of Hobbits in the LOL universe, and lives in Bandle City, the home area fo...