Classic Poetry SeriesTristan Tzara- poems -Publication Date:2004Publisher:PoemHunter.Com - The World's Poetry Archive 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 28 p. ITU Y.1315 QoS support for VPN services - Framework and characteristics 68 p. ITU Y.1314 Virtual private network functional ...
The Dadaist movement originated in Zürich during World War I; Tzara wrote the first Dada texts - La Premiére Aventure cèleste de Monsieur Antipyrine (1916; "The First Heavenly Adventure of Mr. Antipyrine") and Vingt-cinq poémes (1918; "Twenty-Five Poems") - and the movement's manifestos...
CARANNANTE, IRMAAnnals of the University of Bucharest, Studies of Romanian Language & LIterature / Analele Universitii Bucureti. Limba i Literatura Romn
Tzara TristanTza·ra (tzä′rä), Tristan Originally Sami Rosenstock. 1896-1963. Romanian-born French writer, noted as a founder of Dadaism. His poems use jarring incongruities and deliberate nonsense as a protest against conventional culture. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English ...
Tzara, Tristan 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 13 作者: D Baudouin 摘要: A profile of French poet Tristan Tzara, whose original name was Samuel Rosenstock is presented. Information on his birth, birthplace, and professional recognitions that he achieved is presented. An overview of his literary ...
During the romantic era the legend was the theme of narrative poems by A. W. von Schlegel, W. Scott, and K. Immermann and an opera by R. Wagner (staged in 1865). PublicationsIn Russian translation:Bédier, J. Roman o Tristane i Izol’de. Moscow, 1955.Legenda o Tristane i Izol...
The third consists of an analysis of Tristan Tzara's earliest poetic works, included into The First Poems anthology. Its main aim is to underline the importance of both Jewish and Romanian culture for the artistic evolution of Tzara, and, in consequence, for the consciousness of the Dada ...
Some of the first poems (Seară, Epiderma nopții, Realități cosmice) were translated into French and then becoming true Dadaist poems still suffering slight changes of tone and having a different layout on the page.Elena Monica Baciu...
The third consists of an analysis of Tristan Tzara's earliest poetic works, included into The First Poems anthology. Its main aim is to underline the importance of both Jewish and Romanian culture for the artistic evolution of Tzara, and, in consequence, for the ...