Since 2011 the record price for this artist at auction is 108,195 USD for MIRÓ, Joan, et Tristan TZARA, sold at Christie's Paris in 2021. In the past 12 months, their artworks have averaged 10,635 USD.Tristan Tzara has been featured in articles for The Brooklyn Rail, Daily Art Mag...
Tzara born in Moinesti, Bacau, Romania to a family of Romanian-speaking Jewish ancestry. Tzara wrote the first Dada texts, La Première Aventure céleste de Monsieur Antipyrine (The First Heavenly Adventure of Mr. Antipyrine) (1916), Vingt-cinq poèmes (Twenty-Five Poems) (1918) [1], and ...
马塞尔·扬科(Marcel Janco)高清作品《Illustration for Tristan Tzara's "La Premi&》 作品名:Illustration for Tristan Tzara's "La Premi& 艺术家:马塞尔·扬科 年代:1916 风格:建构主义 类型:插图 Title:Illustration for Tristan Tzara's "La Premi& artist:Marcel Janco Date:1916 Style:Constructivism Genre:...
让·阿尔普(Jean Arp)高清作品《Illustration for Tristan Tzara's "Vingt-cin》 作品名:Illustration for Tristan Tzara's "Vingt-cin 艺术家:让·阿尔普 年代:1918 风格:达达艺术 类型:插图 Title:Illustration for Tristan Tzara's "Vingt-cin artist:Jean Arp Date:1918 Style:Dada Genre:illustration 收藏 点...
索妮娅·德劳内(Sonia Delaunay)高清作品《Untitled gouache (Illustration for Tristan Tzara's &》 作品名:Untitled gouache (Illustration for Tristan Tzara's & 艺术家:索妮娅·德劳内 年代:1956 风格:奥费主义 类型:插图 介质:水粉,纸 标签:设计素描 Title:Untitled gouache (Illustration for Tristan Tzara's &...
Working from Marcel Duchamp’s concept of anti-art, Tristan Tzara and Hugo Ball conjured “Dada” in Europe in the early 20th century; it gestated in France, then it found it’s footing in New York in 1915, and ignited in Paris in 1920… Key figures in the movement included Duchamp, ...
Noun1.Tristan Tzara- French poet (born in Romania) who was one of the cofounders of the dada movement (1896-1963) Samuel Rosenstock,Tzara Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Dada also rejected all forms of accepted art, advocating anti-representationalism, anti-literary procedures, anti-logical sequences and patterns of thought, anti-syntactical structures and semantic valuations. When summing up his movement, Tzara wrote: 'Dada signifies nothing'. He then set down the...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: Tristan [ˈtrɪstən]Tristram[ˈtrɪstrəm]N→Tristán Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William...
En 1935 kunlaboris en la lasta numero de Jeune Europe, intento de Tristan Tzara por allogi la superrealistojn al ortodoksaj sintenoj. WikiMatrix En la misma época, comenzó la experimentación del arte sonoro, cuyos primeros exponentes incluyen a Tristan Tzara, Kurt Schwitters y Filippo Tom...