住宅位于巴黎郊区的圣克劳德(离巴黎市中心9.6公里)这是法国最富有的住宅区之一,以14世纪的城堡圣克劳城堡为中心,该城堡曾是法国统治者的府邸,由Wilson Associates的Atelier Tristan Auer设计,精致优雅的内饰和业主对艺术品的品味,同时为儿童提供适合成长的生活环境。
Manet, Monet, Renoir, Zola, Proust and other famous personalities from the world of painting andliterature frequented the legendary Grands bains Guerbois (also called Bains-douches), a luxurious private spa and bathing establishment in the heart of Paris which was built in 1887 by architect ...
住宅位于巴黎郊区的圣克劳德(离巴黎市中心9.6公里)这是法国最富有的住宅区之一,以14世纪的城堡圣克劳城堡为中心,该城堡曾是法国统治者的府邸,由Wilson Associates的Atelier Tristan Auer设计,精致优雅的内饰和业主对艺术品的品味,同时为儿童提供适合成长的生活环境。 Located in the Parisian suburb of Saint Cloud (9.6...