Denis Montel, Tristan Auer: Les Bains-douches ParisManet, Monet, Renoir, Zola, Proust and other famous personalities from the world of painting andliterature frequented the legendary Grands bains Guerbois (also called Bains-douches), a luxurious private spa and bathing establishment in the heart ...
设计| Tristan Auer 解读欲望的设计师 设计师Tristan Auer 他的名字在所有人中口口相传。46岁的设计师Tristan Auer因为几次非常成功的酒店(巴黎的Les Bains酒店,Moustique岛的Cotton House酒店,以及位于Courchevel 1850的La Sivolière酒店)以及众多住宅(私人别墅和公寓)的装修项目获得大家的关注。他近期被委以Crillon...