Although there are some miraculous exceptions, the medical community considers trisomy 18 syndrome to be "incompatible with life" (as opposed to less serious chromosomal abnormalities, like Turner syndrome). My old college roommate gave birth to a child with this terrible condition. Because she was...
As expected, their overall phenotypic spectrum is in some ways similar to that in the above 4 cases of chromosome rec(18) (Table 1). Table 1 also presents the clinical pictures in full trisomy 18 syndrome, for com- parison with those in the 4 rec(18) cases and in cases of trisomy ...
Trisomy21, also referred to asDown Syndrome, is a chromosome abnormality caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21. Individuals with this condition usually havemental retardation, although other health issues may be present as well. This is a common birth defect, appearing in about one out of e...
Trisomy 18 is worse than Trisomy 13, and both are worse, by far, than being mongoloid. “That’s a pretty horrible thing to call someone with Down syndrome. You couldn’t have just gone with retarded?” “Retarded” doesn’t have to be Down Syndrome. And “mongoloid” has been in use...
As expected, their overall phenotypic spectrum is in some ways similar to that in the above 4 cases of chromosome rec(18) (Table 1). Table 1 also presents the clinical pictures in full trisomy 18 syndrome, for com- parison with those in the 4 rec(18) cases and in cases of trisomy ...