trisomics 释义 三体 行业词典 水产 三体二倍体生物的体细胞中增加一条染色体,使染色体数目呈2 n +1的个体。
必应词典为您提供trisomics的释义,网络释义: 三体;三体型植物;
In general, trisomics for long arms form trivalents more frequently than those for short arms, as expected on the basis of opportunity for pairing and chiasma formation. Both tertiary and interchange trisomics produce typical configuration (chain, frying pan, dumbbell-shaped, ‘Y’-, ‘V’-, ...
To increase the efficiency of isolating tertiary trisomics, five rye translocations of the Wageningen translocation tester set with exchanged segments of different size were crossed with either a telocentric or a primary trisomic, or with each other. Progenies of two telocentric translocation trisomics,...
Meiosis of Trisomics of Diploid Alfalfa1Author(s): Raymond R. Buss, R. J. Cleveland Publication date: 1971 Journal: Crop Science Read this article at ScienceOpenPublisher Bookmark There is no author summary for this article yet. Authors can add summaries to their articles on ScienceOpen to...
clone V1682.1 and two of its F 1 progeny were identified as primary trisomics for chromosome II on the basis of a pachytene analysis. The transmission frequency of the extra chromosome through the female gametoph... HK Lee,HRE Jr - 《Canadian Journal of Genetics & Cytology》 被引量: 0...
1983: Effects of b chromosomes on interchange trisomics of pearl millet pennisetum typhoides Nucleus (Calcutta) 26(2): 115-117 Singh, U.P.; Saikumar, R.; Singh, R.M.; Singh, R.K. 1988: Interchange trisomics of pearl millet pennisetum americanum l. k. schum its cytomorphology fertility ...
Cytogenetical studies on diploid and autotetraploid common buckwheat ( Fagopyrum esculentum Moench ) and their autotriploid and trisomicsThe diploid and autotetrap1oid common buckwheat, their autotrip1oid hybrids and trisomies were ... Q Chen,SLK Hsam,FJ Zeller 被引量: 1发表: 2004年 Genetic and...
Tertiary trisomics in the garden pea as a model of B chromosome evolution in plants It is hypothesized that, in plants, genetically empty B chromosomes may originate from the extra chromosome (E) of tertiary trisomics if (i) the region of ... VA Berdnikov,FL Gorel,OE Kosterin,... - ...
Tertiary trisomics have been selected among derivatives of hybrids between the cultivated lentil and its wild progenitor Lens orientalis , and between the cultivated species and L. ervoides . Hybrids heterozygotes to a single translocation were more useful as a source of trisomic plants then those ...