Create your individual Trippen shoes 1. Choose a design from our 1600 model archive 2. Select the leather texture and your desired colour 3. Explore the variety of Trippen soles 4. Enjoy your unique Trippen shoes Create WomenCreate Men
Create your individual Trippen shoes 1. Choose a design from our 1600 model archive 2. Select the leather texture and your desired colour 3. Explore the variety of Trippen soles 4. Enjoy your unique Trippen shoes Create WomenCreate Men
可替换的软松木鞋垫所自带的舒适系统,不仅有助于鞋内清新和干燥,而且会越穿越贴合脚型,越穿越舒服。与同等价位的几款手工皮鞋品牌相比,如日本手工品牌Ru shoes鞋,它的鞋子比较硬,对脚宽的群体很不友好,脚宽的人容易磨脚趾。说是越穿越松,但是等不到变松的时候。还有Lumeng手工皮鞋,鞋的味道比较重,而且...
手工匠心:每双鞋都由日本手艺人一针一线做出来,选用的皮革柔软又耐穿,穿久了还能更贴合脚型,就像给脚量身定做了一样。舒适度没得说:尤其是那些要走很多路的日子,Ru Shoes的鞋底柔韧又支撑力满满,脚感很棒。但有一点我要吐槽,Ru Shoes虽然经典,但款式有点单一。如果你是个喜欢追求点个性和与众不同的小...
Artikel über Patrick Kelly dem Gründer von Sigil in Trippen shoes Zum Editorial Trippen x Iris van Herpen Januar 2020 Schuh-Kooperation mit Iris van Herpen für ihre Couture Fashion Show in Paris Fotos: © Iris van Herpen, © Nowfashion Hart Magazine Januar 2020 Editorial Seemann im Hart Ma...
Features footwear vendors Michael Oehler and Angela Spieth and their Trippen flag store in Berlin, Germany. Interior design of the store; Reason for launching wooden footwear as their first line; Awards won by the store; Price range of the shoes; Locations of other Tripp...
TRIPPEN的單品首頁> 品牌列表> TRIPPEN的單品 總覽 配搭 文章 單品 資訊 Robert Tang的皮靴 謝欣翰的TRIPPEN KONGO 老貓的古著皮鞋 吉利的蟑螂鞋 老貓的皮鞋 Ada Lee的蟑螂鞋 老貓的古著皮鞋 老貓的古著皮鞋 Petrina Hsieh的鞋子 許祐維的皮革鞋 Alice Chang的SHOES 許祐維的皮鞋 ...
DAY TRIPPEN.Features footwear vendors Michael Oehler and Angela Spieth and their Trippen flag store in Berlin, Germany. Interior design of the store; Reason for launching wooden footwear as their first line; Awards won by the store; Price range of the shoes; Locations of other Trippen stores....