{ "format_version": "1.13.0", "minecraft:entity": { "description": { "identifier": "minecraft:tripod_camera", "is_spawnable": false, "is_summonable": false, "is_experimental": false }, "components": { "minecraft:type_family": { "family": [ "tripodcamera", "inanimate", "mob" ...
手机直播摄影支架配件紧固旋钮螺丝tripod camera screw adapter 深圳市斯迈林电子科技有限公司 10年 回头率: 29% 广东 深圳市龙岗区 ¥148.20 成交158件 批发tripod相机铝合金迷你桌面三脚架把手云台爬楼便携相機腳架 中山市异优角摄影器材有限公司 2年 回头率: 0% 广东 中山市 ¥14.25 2m直播补光美颜...
Our mission is simple. We design and build camera support gear to exceed the needs of demanding photographers and filmmakers worldwide. Learn More→ CyanBird Engineered to deliver a robustPerformance SupaDupa72 Monopod Kit The ultimate long lensCompanion. ...
Super Supportive, Adaptable, Strong, Lightweight, versatile and Slim Travel Light→ For photographers who value portability without sacrificing performance. About Us→ Our mission is simple. We design and build camera support gear to exceed the needs of demanding photographers and filmmakers worldwide....
G55C Use Video Camera,Action Cameras,360° Video Camera,Point & Shoot Cameras,Special Camera,DSLRs,Mirrorless System Camera,Digital Cine CamerasView more DescriptionReport Item Material: High-quality Carbon Fiber Weight: Lightweight at 1250g Use: Versatile for various cameras including DSLRs, Mirror...
Camera Bags+ Tripod/Monopod- Aluminium Alloy Carbon Fiber Mini Tripod Camera Strap+ Other Accessories+ Focus news Contact us Tel: +86 13652494649 Email: service@besnfoto.com URL: http://www.besnfoto.com Address: Tanzhou Town Zhongshan City, China...
Examples could be phone cases, camera tripods, even certain prosthetic devices. 例如手机壳、相机三脚架甚至是某些假肢装置。 ParaCrawl Corpus The Arc de Triomphe prohibits pushchairs and camera tripods and cameras except when explicitly authorised. 除非明确授权,否则凯旋门禁止使用婴儿车、相机三脚架和...
Video Camera,Action Cameras,360° Video Camera,Point & Shoot Cameras,Special Camera,DSLRs,Smartphones,Mirrorless System Camera,Digital Cine Cameras Description Report Item Specifications: Material: High-density Aluminum Use: Versatile for Mirrorless System Camera, Digital Cine Cameras, Point & Shoot Came...
Lower camera six inches, adjusttripodlegs. 把相机向下拉六英寸, 调整三脚架的腿. 英汉文学 - 廊桥遗梦 Thetripodis too shaky. 这个叁角架太不稳了. 辞典例句 " You can carry that blue knapsack. I'll take the tan one and thetripod. " ...
Yueqing Originality Photography Equipment Co.,Ltd is best CAMERA TRIPOD, SPEEDLITE FLASH and VIDEO LED LIGHT supplier, we has good quality products & service from China.