The direct transfer of excitons is caused by long-range Coulomb interactions and typically occurs if the interdot energy splitting is small, at most a few meV. As shown later, the energy detuning of the constituent quantum dots is several tens of millielectronvolts in our molecule because of ...
Given a super-resolved ultra-wide frame ItSR and ground-truth wide-angle frames ItR∈eΩfHR , the multi-Ref fidelity loss is defined as: \begin {split} \el _{\mathit {Mfid}\!=\!\frac {\sum _{t'\in \Omega }\sum _i\delta _i(I^{SR}_t,\, ...
The West Kennet Longbarrow formation looked like a pyramid as viewed from above, with four smaller pyramids attached to the corners. For these reasons, I came to call the patterns "quintuplet pyramids." The "female" formation had 288 small circles (see diagram above). That is a very ...