The Triple Package 作者:Amy Chua/Jed Rubenfeld 出版社:Penguin Press HC, The 副标题:How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America 出版年:2014-2-4 页数:304 定价:USD 27.95 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9781594205460...
#高度自律 绝对自由# “The Triple Package” by Amy Chua的书里写:优越感,不安全感和高度自律是驱动社会和个人成就的铁三角;其中在美国社会中业已证明了铁三角理论的,有摩尔门教徒,犹太人,亚裔中的印度裔和...
虎妈新战歌2014-04-23 03:50:50| 分类: 读书 |字号 订阅Chua, Amy, and Jed Rubenfeld. The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America. Penguin, 2014. Print.耶鲁大学华裔法学教授蔡美儿(Amy Chua)所著《虎妈战歌》一书,讲述了作者严格且有些霸...
Tigermother:AmyChua Thisbestsellingparentingmemoirgeneratesalotofpublicity.Anarticlepublishedundertheheadline"WhyChineseMothersAreSuperior"inTheWallStreetJournalonJanuary8,2011,containedexcerptsfromherbook,inwhichChuadescribeshereffortstogiveherchildrenwhatshedescribesasatraditional,strict"Chinese"upbringing.Infact,itisa...
作者:Amy Chua出品人:页数:304译者:出版时间:2014-2-4价格:USD 27.95装帧:Hardcoverisbn号码:9781594205460丛书系列:图书标签: 教育 美国 社会 人文 育儿 人才 English 社会学 The Triple Package 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 "That certain groups do much better in America than others—as measured by...
In Amy Chua's new book, the bestselling author studies eight cultural groups in the United States and identifies the characteristics that account for their success.KnowledgeWharton
A review of the book "The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America," by Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld is presented.EBSCO_bspLibrary Journal
Chua, AmyRoss, Jonathan ToddRubenfeld, JedBloomsbury UkChua, A., & Rubenfeld, J. (2014). The triple package. London: Bloomsbury.Chua A, Rubenfeld J (2014) The triple package. Penguin, New YorkChua A and Rubenfeld J (2014) The triple package. What really determines success. New York...
The Triple PackageThe official home of Penguin Books USA, publishers of bestselling fiction, nonfiction, classics, and children's books.Jonathan Todd Ross