wherein luminal progenitor cells in particular can produce basal-like tumor cells [41] especially after excessive Notch/CSL signaling activation [42] and loss and/or mutation of the tumor-suppressor geneBRCA1[43,44] (Fig.1).
Tumors injected in this way progress and typically produce osteolytic lesions in 1–2 weeks [33]. A previous study by Cancers 2021, 13, 1462 3 of 14 some of the authors, using such a model, found decreases in bone stiffness which would be indicative of osteolytic lesions after one week...
A study reported that meningeal IFNγ+ NK cells produce interferon which modulates the activity of inflammation by a novel subset of astrocytes that are with LAMP1+ TRAIL+ phenotype, which in turn bind to the TRAIL DRs on activated T-cells to suppress the inflammatory response in murine ...