Edit:Luo yu Responsible editor:Jia jia Source:cssn.cn Special statement: if the pictures and texts reproduced or quoted on this site infringe your legitimate rights and interests, please contact this site, and this site will correct and delete them in time. For copyright issues and website coo...
// class CMyView : public CEditView { public: virtual ~CMyView(); virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC); CMyDoc* GetDocument() { return (CMyDoc*)m_pDocument; } protected: CTripleClick m_tripleClicker; CMyView(); void SelectPara(CEdit& edit); DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CMyView) DE...
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a highly metastatic and heterogeneous type of breast cancer with poor outcomes. Precise, non-invasive methods for diagnosis, monitoring and prognosis of TNBC are particularly challenging due to a paucity of TNBC bi
Ws, eancodmapctiilveditifieselpdenrofoterms aefdtebr ythe woorbkseerrsvaotniotnhse, wlinhei.chDwureinagddtheed otobstehrevdataitoanw, we aenaallsyoziendt.eWrveiemwaeddewuosrekoefrsseocnonthdearpyrdodatuacitniotnhelinfoer,m anodf ionffithciealRb&aDlandceepsatrattmemenetn, tfsololof wth...
Although the TurboEdit algorithm is widely used, it has two disadvantages: First, the ionospheric residual combination is sensitive to variations in ionospheric delay residuals, which degrade the efficiency of the method. Furthermore, the wavelength of wide-lane (WL) combination is still relatively ...
Among them, the thermal-induced shape memory polyurethane (SMPU) has been mostly used in practice because of its competitive mechanical and shape memory properties, e.g., high specific strength, high parameters of shape fixity and shape recovery, and a transition temperature that can be ...