“Triple bottom line is an accounting framework with three parts: social, environmental and financial. ” (经济底线、社会底线、环境底线) 根据三重底线原则,将绿色供应链定义为经济绩效、社会绩效与环境绩效协调一致的可持续发展供应链。 三重底线原则与可持续发展的供应链绩效 绿色物流的价值不仅对环境保护和经...
什么是三重底线(Triple Bottom Line)? 三重底线即流行多年的概念“TBL/3BL”,是为衡量可持续性而开发的商业框架,包含社会、环境和经济三个维度。这一概念与ESG非常相似,区别主要是TBL更侧重企业定义内部发展,ESG更侧重第三方对企业的投资评估,二者可以协同工作。
接触到了一个非常有意思的概念,叫做Triple Bottom Line (TBL)。在speaker介绍这个概念之前,我只是对bottom line底线这个概念有着非常粗浅的认知,以为仅仅是“核心、关键、不可让步的底线”之意,没想到其实这个词背后也是有典故的。 在一般的资产损益表当中,第一行叫做first line,指代营收(Revenue);第二行叫做second...
接触到了一个非常有意思的概念,叫做Triple Bottom Line (TBL)。在speaker介绍这个概念之前,我只是对bottom line底线这个概念有着非常粗浅的认知,以为仅仅是“核心、关键、不可让步的底线”之意,没想到其实这个词背后也是有典故的。在一般的资产损益表当中,第一行叫做first line,指代营收(Revenue);第...
在探索可持续发展的管理之道时,我偶然邂逅了一个富有洞见的理念——Triple Bottom Line(TBL)。原本以为的“底线”概念,原来蕴含着更为深远的含义。传统的商业语言中,损益表的结构清晰可见:首行,也就是经济基础,我们称之为“第一底线”,代表营收,如同舞台上的主角——收入(Revenue);第二行,...
The triple bottom line (缩写为 "TBL" 或 "3BL"),是由英国学者约翰·埃尔金顿(John Elkington)提出的,意思为在扩展或获取资源和经济价值时兼顾环境和社会的和谐统一。即经济、社会、自然环境三方面的平衡统一。The triple bottom line 是一个衡量组织或社会成功的新价值标准---从经济、生态和社会...
Triple Bottom Line(TBL)is a framework for measuring and reporting corporate performance against Economic, Social, and Environmental parameters. It consists of three Ps:Profit, PeopleandPlanet. First is the traditional measure of corporate profit – the “bottom line” of theProfitand loss account. ...
Triple bottom line (TBL), or sustainability, reporting provides a framework for an organisation to report on its social and environmental performance, as well as its financial outcomes. Theprocess of preparing a TBL report has the potential to be a catalyst for positive organisational change: it ...
What Is the Triple Bottom Line (TBL)? In economics, the triple bottom line (TBL) maintains that companies should commit to focusing as much on social and environmental concerns as they do on profits. TBL theory posits that instead of one bottom line, there should be three: profit, people,...