Prep the fruit by washing and straining out the excess liquid. You can use frozen or fresh berries. For this recipe, I’m using strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries but you can use other berries and stone fruits. Remove the stems, pits, or cores.Apples and pears should be sliced to...
I read dozens of reviews and people who modified the recipes were usually scaling back on one or more crumble ingredients and/or adding more berries. I stayed with the crumble recipe as written but used a 3 pound bag of frozen triple berry blend. I added 2 t cornstarch to compensate for...
Or more appropriately… How to Make the Best of a Messed Up Cake.This dessert comes courtesy of my sister. She wanted to bake a cake for me - chocolate of course with chocolate chips - and was already to decorate it and surprise me. One problem. The cake